Thursday, July 24, 2008

A new use for Viagra

After a trial on less than 100 women, the makers of Viagra say it is great for restoring libido on women being treated for depression - now that is what I call an unbiased study. Seems it doesn't work for "normal" women, but the mentals will take anything!!!


At 5:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My doctor says I can have the Viagra Depot injection if and when it is released.

It will compliment the intra-muscular jabs of haldoperidol and zuclopenthixol he gives me alternate Wednesdays.

I can't wait! Thank God for Pfizer Pharmaceuticals, helping me to regain my life.

At 5:37 PM, Blogger liberated psych said...

Good one Penny. At least you will feel sexy while you twitch,

At 8:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks LP!

My p-doc says the Viagra will turn me into a different woman. He's so sweet and he really does understand.

When I was having a really bad time he even took me for lunch so I could talk things over in private.

We went to this fancy Italian restaurant in town and then ended up at his place for coffee. He made me feel so special. He even gave me a foot massage!

I was pouring out my heart for hours, talking about things too private to share even with my partner.

Some psychiatrists are very special and mine is one of them. He is one in a million. I can give you his number if you are in the Boston area.

At 4:45 AM, Blogger liberated psych said...

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At 4:56 AM, Blogger liberated psych said...

Thanks Penny but I can not afford a trip to Boston. That must have been a huge bill as I notice my freakster doc not only abuses (I mean "helps") me, she double bills me too. As just the required visit with her is so expensive, I hate to even bring up the possibility of getting a foot message.

At 4:58 AM, Blogger liberated psych said...

oops. massage. Though a foot message would be interesting.


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